Sunday, 8 February 2015

Work in progress: my first quilt

Quilting has commenced!  I really want to make a quilt for Baby T, and I finally got started yesterday when I nipped into Fabricland to buy a few extra fat quarters and some quilt batting for the filling of the quilt.  That got me inspired, so I retrieved the pattern I had chosen months ago from Pinterest - this simple quilt pattern from Flossie Tea Cakes - and got started!

So far, I've not got any actual sewing done - as I suspected, just as with clothes, there is a lot of preparation to do before you actually start sewing the quilt together.

First up...cutting out 90 rectangles of fabric 6.5" by 2.5".  Definitely time consuming - although my cutting board and rotary cutter came in very hand and saved a lot of hassle.  As you can probably gather, I'm trying to keep the quilt away from either gender, as Baby T is still a surprise!  I'm hoping to decorate the nursery in grey and yellow, so hopefully the introduction of the orange and the black with stars won't be too offensive...!

Next, you to pin the rectangles together in batches of three.  This will give me the squares which I will then sew together to make the front of the quilt.

Here's a selection of my pinned rectangles - all piled up on top of my sewing box ready for sewing!  I'm doing my best to keep as much variety as possible, so I hope they're okay - I'll probably not know until they're all sewn up and I have a chance to lay them out flat.  So far, so good though...

Hopefully there'll be some actual sewing involved in my next post - but I'm enjoying doing something for the baby so far, even if it's just been cutting and pinning as yet!