Monday, 14 October 2013

The Knitting and Stitching Show

I have been so excited for weeks, looking forward to the Knitting and Stitching Show!  The show was in Alexandra Palace in London, and Naomi, Liz and I made our way to London on the train at silly o'clock in the morning - 7:30am is beyond ridiculous for a Saturday!  We got off the underground at Wood Green with an absolute hoard of other women, and just followed the crowd to the shuttle bus.  Just look at all these people...!

The show was packed with fabric, yarn, patterns, crafts and all sorts - and best of all, people who just love it all as much as we do.  I even got to see the judges of the Great British Sewing Bee!

We also did a few workshops - we made lampshades and cushion covers, which was great fun.  They were each an hour long - which also gave us a bit of training in working under pressure!  Dami came and met us, and she did a 2 hour glove knitting workshop too, which she said was brilliant.

Here's a bit of a flavour of the day...

Naomi at her sewing machine in the cushion cover workshop


Sewing action shot
Lampshade making

Dami, Liz and me
Naomi and my purchases!

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