Friday, 24 January 2014

Work in progress: New Look 6184 (1)

After making my new years resolutions, I've finally made a start on my first ever dress.  I bought the New Look 6184 pattern in a sale in Calico for the very reasonable price of £2.95, along with a couple of others.  It's similar to the dress that I wore to my cousin's wedding in the summer - I really liked the style, so I thought it was a good make for my first dress!

I used the fabric that I bought in America in JoAnn - at last!  As well as cutting my pattern pieces, I've also dutifully transferred my pattern markings - usually I'm not very good at that part, but I'm determined that on this dress I'll do my best to get all the markings transferred so that I get my darts in the right place etc.

So far, all I've done in terms of sewing is the front bodice piece, as you can see above.  It looks quite massive in that picture, but as you can see, it's because there is a bit of sewing to do in the front to get it into the nice fitted shape that looks so good on the model!

I sewed my two darts in, and they came out well - nice and sharp.


The next bit to do was the neckline.  This is a pleated neckline, which I really liked.  You make the pleats by folding, and then basted to ensure that they stay in place.

Now that they're safely in place, I've had to leave it, but I'm hoping I'll get more sewing time in at the weekend, and have some progress to report soon!

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